Data Sources

Most of the data used through the portal comes from the Filecoin chain. There is also some off-chain data like Datacap Applications or Storage Provider’s Reputation scores that are collected from other places.


Deals data is available on chain and can be obtained in different ways:


Clients can be derived from the deals dataset and expanded with the following sources:

  • Datacap. From Datacap Stats API calling You get a JSON of verified clients in the FIL+ program that contains client names, Datacap application data and other self-reported data. Alternatively, this data can be obtained by parsing the relevant GitHub repositories issues and comments.

Storage Providers

Storage Providers be derived from the deals dataset. More information about proviers can be collected in the following sources:

Retrieval Data

Retrieval data is available from the Spark API.

Reputation Data

Reputation is both obtained from FilRep (methodology) and augmented with custom metrics around deals. For example, what is the average replication of a deal for the SP?

Energy Data

Energy data is available from Filecoin Green (Model API and Green Scores API)


Filecoin Virtual Machine data is trickier to get. Some sources:


A few teams across the ecosystem are indexing Filecoin Messages. The most comprehensive source are Beryx and FilInfo.

Data Indexers

Besides the data sources mentioned above, there are a few data indexers that provide data in a more structured way.

JSON-RPC Endpoints

Nodes usually implement all the JSON-RPC methods needed to get the data.

  • Glif -
  • Zondax -
  • Laconic -
  • Provider Quest -
  • More at docs!
  • More at Chainlist!
